CIArbNY Members’ Forum
May 26, 2022 – 12 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. ET
Members of the New York Branch of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators are invited to share their insights and views on thorny and topical issues of arbitration law or practice in a moderated discussion on May 26, 2022 at 12 p.m. ET that will follow the “Tylney Hall” format: by May 19, 2022, members are invited to submit proposed discussion topics related to either domestic or international commercial arbitration. On the day, attendees will be encouraged to voice their opinions and exchange views on the various topics submitted and any other issues of interest that may be raised by the moderators, Myrna Barakat, FCIArb and Mike Lampert, FCIArb. All exchanges will be subject to the Chatham House Rule.
Discussion topics are best framed as questions and may cover any issue of interest to you, ranging from points of best practice and procedure, substantive matters of law, award writing, arbitration panel dynamics, enforcement matters, arbitrator fees and expenses, record keeping, or any other topic that is ripe for a thoughtful exchange amongst a group with varying backgrounds and approaches to the profession.
Members, please check your e-mail for Zoom registration details and instructions on submitting proposed discussion questions.
October 27, 2021 from 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. via Zoom
In conjunction with the International Arbitration Club of New York, this session will feature David Brodsky, the Principal of Brodsky ADR, and the author of an article entitled Getting Real About Discovery in Arbitrations, published in the March 13, 2020 edition of the New York Law Journal. Mr. Brodsky will be joined by two Fellows of the New York Branch, Richard Ziegler, Principal of AcumenADR, LLC, and Marc Goldstein, Principal of MJG Arbitration & Mediation, who will lead a discussion about reconciling the language of Section 7 of the FAA with today’s reality of remote arbitral hearings and whether third-party witnesses can be required to appear remotely before a Tribunal.
Arbitration Solutions for Life Sciences Problems
April 29, 2021 at 1 p.m. EDT via Zoom

Co-Sponsored by
Cross-border arbitrations in the life sciences sector have become increasingly common. This CLE-approved program* will examine common issues that arise in life sciences arbitrations about which arbitrators should be aware using a fact pattern derived from a variety of real-life events.
Oliver (Ollie) J. Armas, Hogan Lovells
James P. (J.P.) Duffy IV, FCIArb, Reed Smith
Hagit Muriel Elul, Hughes Hubbard
Sherman Kahn, FCIArb, Mauriel Kapouytian Woods
Merriann Panarella, FCIArb, Independent Arbitrator
Ulyana Bardyn, FCIArb, Eversheds Sutherland
This is a program for members of the New York Branch, CIArb colleagues from the North America and Canada Branches, and the program co-sponsor, Silicon Valley Arbitration & Mediation Center. Please check your e-mail for a registration link or contact [email protected]. Non-NY Branch members may be asked for proof of affiliation.
* CLE pending California, Connecticut, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Texas, and West Virginia
CIArbNY Members’ Coffee Break
The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Young Members Group (YMG) ADR World Tour: Arbitration and Mediation as a Global Force for Good
Historically, during times of social, political and economic unrest, agility, disruption and reinvention, are often led by a new generation, capable of shaking up the status quo and finding new ways of conducting “old” business. Look no further than the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) and affinity young practitioner “rockstars” who devote their time, skills, conscience, and efforts to instill arbitration and mediation as a global force for good.
The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Young Members Group (YMG) presents an international regional series of webinars and in-person conferences which highlight the unique importance and efficiency ADR plays in allowing the world’s economy to remain operative during times of great economic uncertainty. Perhaps no greater time of economic uncertainty has existed than today. Drawing from their intellectual wealth, toolkits and vast networks, the next generation of ADR practitioners have framed a global crisis into an opportunity.
Focused on the unique importance and efficiency of ADR during a time when entire nations’ judiciaries have been crippled, this group of ADR rockstars have produced eleven international regional conferences in Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand, The Caribbean and Central America, China and Scandinavia, Europe, India, The Middle East and Turkey, North America, CIS and Eastern Europe and South America for an ADR world tour entitled, “Arbitration and Mediation As A Global Force For Good.”
Specific topics focus on the following areas:
- ADR and access to justice
- ADR as a means to strengthen the rule of law
- ADR as an efficient alternative to traditional litigation
The schedule of webinars is as follows (week commencing):
- Week 1: 19 January 2021 – ASIA – Kirsten Teo MCIArb, David Chung ACIArb and Ishaan Madaan
- Week 2: 26 January 2021 – THE CARIBBEAN & CENTRAL AMERICA – Sophia Villalta and Orlando Cabrera FCIArb
- Week 3: 4 February 2021 – SOUTH AMERICA – Soledad Diaz, Orlando Cabrera FCIArb, Ana Gerdau de Borja Mercereau FCIArb
- Week 4: 8 February 2021 – AFRICA – Madeline Kimei MCIArb and Dr. Sylvie Bebohi Ebongo
- Week 5: 18 February 2021 – EUROPE – Georgios Fasfalis ACIArb and Ana Gerdau de Borja Mercereau FCIArb
- Week 6: 23 -24 February 2021 – INDIA – Ishaan Madaan and Jaya Sharma FCIArb
- Week 7: 2 – 3 March 2021 – CHINA AND SCANDINAVIA – Kirsten Teo MCIArb and David Chung ACIArb
- Week 8: 8 March 2021 – MIDDLE EAST AND TURKEY – Sara Aranjo
- Week 9: 15 March 2021 – CIS AND EASTERN EUROPE – Nata Ghibradze and Dr. Anna Kozmenko, LL.M.
- Week 10: 21 March 2021 – AUSTRALIA – Julia Dreosti
- Week 11: 28 March 2021 – NORTH AMERICA – Bryan J. Branon ACIArb, Harout Samra FCIArb, Imad Khan ACIArb, Ross Kartez
With respect to the Week 11 North America events, see further details in this brochure. Download Brochure
Non-signatories Before and After Arbitration
Compelling Arbitration ~ Enforcing Awards
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
12:00 Noon – 2:00 P.M. Eastern
The Chartered Institute New York Branch and NYIAC present a New York Arbitration Week program on non-signatories in international arbitration.
Two distinguished panels will discuss frequently addressed issues related to the role of non-signatories in the arbitral process.
The first panel will examine issues that tend to arise at the outset of a dispute, including whether non-signatories may compel signatories or be compelled to arbitrate under estoppel or related doctrines. This panel also will consider the allocation of responsibility between arbitral tribunals and courts to decide this question in the first instance.
The second panel will examine issues arising in proceedings to enforce awards against non-signatories who participated in the arbitration and against those who first become involved at the award enforcement stage.
The panelists will address issues such as:
• Choice of law and legal doctrines that may be deployed in the United States and elsewhere to permit or compel non-signatories to arbitrate
• The allocation of responsibility among arbitral institutions, arbitral tribunals and courts in deciding who are proper parties to an arbitration
• Matters left unresolved by the U.S. Supreme Court in GE Energy Power Conversion France SAS, Corp. v. Outokumpu Stainless USA, LLC, 140 S. Ct. 1637 (2020), a case involving a non-signatory seeking to join a signatory based on the doctrine of equitable estoppel
• Recent developments on these and related issues in jurisdictions outside the United States
• Enforcement of arbitral awards against parties not named in the arbitration, an issue raised in CBF Indústria de Gusa S/A v. AMCI Holdings, Inc., 850 F.3d 58 (2d Cir. 2017)
Richard L. Mattiaccio, FCIArb, C Arb, CIArb NY Branch Chair SEE BIO
Rekha Rangachari, Esq., NYIAC Executive Director SEE BIO
Discussion Leaders
Eric A. Schwartz, MCIArb, Independent arbitrator, Co-chair, NYIAC Global Advisory Board; former Vice-President and Secretary-General, ICC International Court of Arbitration SEE BIO
Nancy M. Thevenin, FCIArb, International arbitrator and mediator and Adjunct Professor of Law, St. John’s University School of Law; General Counsel, USCIB SEE BIO
Teddy Baldwin, Partner, Steptoe & Johnson LLP. SEE BIO
Benjamin G. Davis, Professor of Law, University of Toledo College of Law, Former Chair, ABA Section of Dispute Resolution SEE BIO
Teresa Giovannini, Senior Counsel, Lalive (Geneva), Member, NYIAC Global Advisory Board, Member, ICC International Court of Arbitration SEE BIO
Richard Kreindler, Partner, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton (Frankfurt), FCIArb, Chair of the Working Group that produced the IBA Rules on Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration (2010) SEE BIO
Victoria Shannon Sahani, Associate Dean of Faculty Development and Professor of Law – Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University SEE BIO
William H. Taft V, Partner, Debevoise & Plimpton LLP. SEE BIO
Download PDFArbitrating with Non-Participating Respondents: Pitfalls and Best Practices
Thursday, 5 November 2020 | 12:00 EDT
With the increasing likelihood that, due to the pandemic, arbitrators and claimants will encounter more cases with non-participating respondents, join us for an interactive roundtable discussion addressing practical issues and challenges for arbitrators and counsel arising out of these cases.
A panel of seasoned practitioners will both identify various thorny procedural and substantive issues presented by cases with non-participating respondents, and provide practical guidance for counsel and arbitrators when presenting or evaluating evidence, as well as measures that should be considered or taken to balance the due process rights of non-participating respondents with the need to move the arbitration forward and render an enforceable award.
This event is part of USCIB/ICC USA’s Sole Practitioner Group “Nuts & Bolts Arbitrator Series,” and supported by CIArbNY. It will be followed by a Q&A session with the audience.
Speakers include:
• Claudia Salomon, FCIArb (moderator), Partner, Latham & Watkins LLP, New York; Vice President, ICC International Court of Arbitration
• Juliet Blanch, Arbitrator, Arbitration Chambers, London and Hong Kong; Member, ICC International Court of Arbitration
• Lawrence S. Schaner, FCIArb, Arbitrator, Schaner Dispute Resolution LLC, Chicago
• John M. Townsend, Partner, Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP, Washington, DC
• Melanie Van Leeuwen, Partner, Derains & Gharavi, Paris
Brief opening and closing remarks will be given by Marek Krasula (Regional Director for North America, ICC International Court of Arbitration), Peter Sherwin (Partner, Proskauer Rose LLP and Chair of USCIB/ICC USA’s Arbitration Committee), and Matthew Draper, FCIArb (Partner, Draper & Draper LLC and Chair of USCIB/ICC USA Arbitration Committee’s Sole Practitioner Subcommittee).
Please register for the webinar here. If you wish to submit questions in advance to the panelists, please submit them here.
Co-organized and supported by:
Force Majeure in New York Law: A Guide for
International Commercial Arbitrators
May 27, 2020 5:00pm – 6:00 p.m. ET
The full extent of COVID-19’s impact remains to be determined but no doubt will include the ability of commercial parties to perform their obligations in the manner set forth in their contracts.
Substantive bodies of law differ on the question of whether, and under what circumstances contract performance may be excused or contract obligations adapted to changed circumstances. Commercial agreements governed by New York substantive law tend to deal with this question in force majeure clauses. In some industries, these clauses are negotiated with great care; in others, lawyers copy a clause from one agreement to the next and the contracting parties give it little, if any attention. When an unexpected occurrence beyond the control of the parties materially changes the economics of the bargain, the resolution of disputes may turn as much on the language of the force majeure clause as on the facts that give rise to the defense.
Our guide through a discussion of the New York law of force majeure will be Ethan J. Leib, John D Calamari Distinguished Professor of Law at Fordham Law School. Professor Leib has been teaching contract law for 15 years and regularly serves as an expert on New York contract law, as amicus curiae to the New York Court of Appeals and in foreign litigation and international arbitration. See bio
A comparative law perspective will be provided by Alejandro Garro, Adjunct Professor of Law and Senior Research Scholar of the Parker School of Foreign and Comparative Law of Columbia University. Professor Garro served as a member of the Working Group for the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts and currently serves as a member of the Argentine delegation to UNCITRAL. See bio
The discussion will be led by Jennifer Kirby, FCIArb, As Principal of the arbitration boutique Kirby and an internationally recognized arbitration practitioner based in Paris and New York, Ms. Kirby acts as counsel and sits as arbitrator in a wide variety of commercial arbitrations around the world. See bio
Registration: [click here]
Become a Member: [click here]
USCIB/ICC USA’s Sole Practitioners Group and
the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators New York Branch
Arbitrators Series: Nuts and Bolts of Conducting
Arbitral Hearings via Videoconference
April 28, 2020 3:00pm – 4:00pmET
Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, arbitrators and arbitration counsel have increasingly looked to web-based video conferencing technology for the conduct of arbitration hearings. Over the past several weeks, the arbitral community has been inundated by advice from arbitral institutions and practitioners on whether and how to fairly and efficiently conduct arbitration hearings by video.
This program will offer best practices and meaningful “nuts and bolts” suggestions geared to arbitrators and arbitration counsel in sole practice for conducting video hearings.
Nancy M. Thevenin, FCIArb, USCIB’s general counsel, will provide a brief update on USCIB/ICC USA’s Arbitration committee activities. See bio.
Marek Krasula, the North America counsel for the ICC International Court of Arbitration®, will discuss the ICC Guidance Note on Possible Measures Aimed at Mitigating the effects of COVID-19 Pandemic. See bio.
Stephanie Cohen, FCIArb, a New York-based arbitrator, will address her Draft Zoom Hearing Procedural Order, which was published by Transnational Dispute Management on April 14, 2020. Ms. Cohen is Vice Chair of the New York Branch of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and a member of the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR. See bio.
Matthew Draper, FCIArb, who serves as Chair of the Sole Practitioner’s Committee and Treasurer of the New York Branch of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, will moderate the discussion. See bio.
The speakers will answer questions submitted in advance by participants.
Registration for this event is now closed
Download PDF
When: March 25, 2020 from 12:30-2:30 p.m.
This presentation will focus on when the UNCITRAL Model Law standard for interim measures and emergency arbitrations can be applied, its elements, and how each element should be applied. You will hear from CIArb Fellow Jose F. Sanchez, an arbitrator and counsel with Vinson & Elkins LLP in New York, whose article, “Applying the Model Law’s Standard for Interim Measures in International Arbitration,” will be published by the Journal of International Arbitration in February 2020. Mr. Sanchez will address how to correctly apply the international standard for interim measures and emergency arbitrations by providing an overview of precedents and authority from around the world on, and the legislative history of, each element of the standard. Members and guests in attendance will receive a multi-page cheat sheet designed to help an arbitrator determine how to apply each element of the international standard. There will be time for discussion following the presentation, for example, as to the potential difference in practice between requiring a showing of a “reasonable possibility” of success and requiring a showing of “likelihood” of success on the merits. The discussion will be led by Rainbow Willard, Counsel in the International Arbitration practice at Chaffetz Lindsey LLP.
Application for New York accreditation of this program is pending.
Do you have any burning questions? The speaker would be happy to address your questions, so please e-mail us at [email protected] if there are particular issues you would like us to cover.
When: September 24, 2019 from 3:45-5:45 p.m.
Where: King & Spalding LLP
1185 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10036
The program will be followed at 6:00 p.m. by the Branch’s Annual General Meeting and reception.
Space is limited; registration is first-come, first-served. Priority will be given to Branch members.
Free for CIArb New York Branch Members; $50 for others
Submit questions in advance: [email protected]
Will there be math on the test? Many lawyers asked that question before choosing their careers. Yet, in high-stakes commercial disputes, understanding the underpinnings of damages models is crucial. The selection of an interest rate to be applied from the date of breach can also have a significant effect on the outcome.
You’ll hear from James Donohue (Jim) of Charles River Associates, who has been engaged for substantial damages consulting assignments in a wide range of areas, including intellectual property, securities, breach of contract, and fraud. Jim will present on building a damages model, with an emphasis on the discounted cash flow (DCF) method and the choice of an appropriate discount rate.
Thomas C. Childs (Tom), who chaired the sub-committee that produced the ICDC Report on interest awards in international arbitration seated in New York, will discuss factors arbitrators should consider when choosing pre-award and post-award interest rates and will describe what arbitrators are actually doing in practice.
Michele S. Riley FCIArb and Ulyana Bardyn FCIArb will lead the discussion.
Do you have any burning questions on the intersection of law and economics? Though we have a draft agenda, we can’t cover it all and want to prioritize your questions, so please e-mail us at [email protected] if there are particular issues you would like us to cover.
This program is FREE for members of the CIArb New York Branch and $50 for non-members. Space is limited. Priority will be given to Branch members.
Cybersecurity How-To for Arbitrators
When: April 18, 2019 from 12-2:30 p.m.
Lunch: 12-12:30
Program: 12:30-2:30
Where: Katten Muchin Rosenman
575 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10022
Space is limited; registration is first come, first served.
Free for CIArb New York Branch Members; $50 for others
Submit questions in advance: [email protected]
Arbitrators are increasingly aware of their ethical and regulatory obligations to take reasonable steps to safeguard cybersecurity of arbitration-related information, yet may be left with a myriad of practical questions about technical terms (what is a VPN, for example, and how does it work?), what features to look for when comparing different products and services such as anti-virus and anti-malware solutions or cloud storage, and how to figure out if they are taking advantage of factory built-in protections such as laptop full-disk encryption. In this highly practical, lunchtime program, our aim is to demystify cybersecurity “how-to” with easy-to-implement tips and information that will facilitate working with an IT professional to implement cybersecurity measures tailored to your practice and preferences.
You’ll hear from Darragh Fitzpatrick, an IT professional whose company Tabush Group offers 24-hour IT services to small businesses and solo professionals, lawyer Joshua Druckerman and arbitrator/lawyer Sherman Kahn FCIArb, both of whom advise clients on protective cybersecurity measures and responding to data breaches, and arbitrator Stephanie Cohen FCIArb, co-author of A Call to Cyberarms: The International Arbitrator’s Duty to Avoid Digital Intrusion and member of the ICCA-NYC Bar-CPR Working Group on Cybersecurity in International Arbitration. Former cybercrime prosecutor and arbitrator/lawyer Joseph DeMarco ACIArb will offer final take-aways.
Do you have any burning cybersecurity questions? Though we have a draft agenda, we can’t cover it all and want to prioritize your questions, so please e-mail us at [email protected] if there are particular issues you would like us to cover.
This program is FREE for members of the CIArb New York Branch and $50 for non-members.
Monday, Oct. 29, 2018
The Great Debate: Ad Hoc vs. Administered Arbitration
Registration: 5:00 – 5:30 p.m.
Debate: 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
CIArb NY Branch Fall Kick-Off
Reception: 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Location: SIDLEY AUSTIN LLP 787 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10019
On October 29, 2018, Sidley, in conjunction with CIArb New York and CIArb Canada will host a debate discussing the pros and cons of Ad Hoc vs. Institutional Arbitration.
For Ad Hoc Arbitration, Commercial Arbitrator, Toronto, FCIArb
For Institutional Arbitration, Partner, Sidley, FCIArb
International Arbitrator, London
There will be no charge for the debate or reception. Space is limited, however; registration is required and early registration is recommended.
Registration is now closed.

CIArb NY Branch Chair and Institute Deputy President Thomas Halket addresses NY Branch members and Comprehensive Course faculty and students at the University Club of New York, June 5, 2018.
Roundtable Lunch with Dr. Jacomijn van Haersolte-van Hof Director General London Court of International Arbitration
When: Thursday, April 6, 2017 at 12:30 – 2 p.m.
Fee: None
Location: Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP
30 Rockefeller Plaza, 23rd Floor
New York, NY 10112
Dr. van Haersolte-van Hof will discuss recent developments in arbitration at the LCIA as well as Brexit’s anticipated impact, if any, on London as a seat for international commercial arbitration.
Wednesday, March 22nd, 2017
Arbitrating Patent Disputes: Innovative Approaches and New Concerns
Four-location, video-linked conference featuring speakers from the United States and Europe
PANEL 1: Innovative Approaches to Patent Arbitration: Lessons from the Trenches
The program will discuss specific ways to use the flexibility of arbitration to resolve patent-related disputes in a more efficient way than can be done in litigation. Topics to be discussed include effective case management techniques that involve a standard arbitration clause as well as innovative arbitration clauses that include special procedures.
Moderator: Marc Peters, Morrison & Foerster LLP, Palo Alto
Speakers: P. Jean Baker, American Arbitration Association, Washington, DC • Ignacio de Castro, Deputy Director, WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center, Geneva • Scott Donahey, Independent Arbitrator, Palo Alto • Cynthia Lopez, Global Head Licensing and Litigation, Novartis Services, Inc • Harrie Samaras, Independent Arbitrator, Pennsylvania
PANEL 2: Patent Law: A Public Policy Basis for Vacatur?
The program will examine the circumstances under which a patent arbitration award may (or should) be denied recognition or enforcement under the public policy exception of Article V of the New York Convention. Topics to be discussed include how the public policy exception has been interpreted by American and European courts; what aspects of patent law, if any, qualify as Mandatory Law; and the intersection of patent and competition law.
Moderator: Steven H. Reisberg, Chaffetz Lindsey LLP, New York • Speakers: Annet van Hooft, Bird & Bird, Paris • Sherman Kahn, Mauriel Kapouytian Woods LLP, New York • Grant L. Kim, LimNexus LLP, San Francisco • Charles R. Macedo, Amster, Rothstein & Ebenstein, LLP, New York
Friday, October 14, 2016
11th Annual Fordham International Arbitration and Mediation Conference
Fordham Law School, 150 W 62nd St, New York City
The Branch is a co-sponsor of this annual conference, which this year will focus on “New Developments, New Challenges, and New Ideas in International Dispute Resolution.” Panels will discuss the arbitrator’s role in settlement, emergency arbitrators and interim measures, the enforceability of awards set aside at the seat, issues in Latin America and cyber security and artificial intelligence in arbitration. Organized by conference co-chairs Benno Kimmelman and Edna Sussman, this year’s keynote speaker will be Gerald Aksen and the conference will feature a special pre-conference breakfast organized by ArbitralWomen on “Unconscious Bias.” Additional information about the conference can be found here.
October 27th, November 22nd, and December 14th 2016
The In Camera Breakfast Series:
Exploring Intra-Tribunal Dynamics and Decision-Making
American Arbitration Association, 150 E. 42nd St., New York, NY
8:30-10:00 a.m.
Part I: Deliberations
October 26, 2016 (NYIAC)
Part II: Delegation
November 22, 2016 (White & Case LLP)
Part III: Ethical Issues & Misconduct
December 14, 2016 (Dorsey & Whitney LLP)
Please join the NYSBA’s International Dispute Resolution Committee, in cooperation with NYIAC and the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators’ New York Branch, for a three-part series on the inner workings of arbitral tribunals. We will explore different approaches to building tribunal cohesion and collegiality, organizing deliberations, delegating responsibilities among tribunal members and to tribunal assistants, and dealing with arbitrator misconduct.
This series offers a unique opportunity for counsel to better understand how tribunals make decisions and for arbitrators to consider how they might be more effective as co-arbitrators or chairs.
Organized by: NYSBA International Dispute Resolution Committee Co-Chairs Stephanie Cohen & Marc Goldstein
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Red Flag Alert: Data Security in Arbitration
5:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Debevoise & Plimpton LLP
919 Third Avenue (at 55th St.)
35th Floor Conference Center
New York City
Hosted by Debevoise & Plimpton LLP and co-sponsored by NYIAC, this Branch program focuses on whether the arbitration community is paying adequate attention to data security in arbitration. Discussions include practical approaches for avoiding and handling data security breaches during an arbitration and sources of potential legal and ethical obligations relating to data security. The panel is organized and moderated by Stephanie Cohen, FCIArb, and the speakers include Mark C. Morril, FCIArb of Morril ADR, Jim Pastore and Jeewon Serrato both of Debevoise & Plimpton LLP and Edna Sussman, FCIArb of SussmanADR LLC. To register, please click here and provide your contact details.
Monday, April 18, 2016
2nd Annual GAR Live BITs
Washington, DC
The Branch is also a supporting organization of this annual conference, which is chaired this year by Jean Kalicki of Arnold & Porter and Matthew Slater of Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton. Save the date on your calendars. More information about this conference will be provided shortly.
Tuesday to Saturday, April 12 – 16, 2016
ABA Section of International Law Spring Meeting
Grand Hyatt, New York, NY
The Branch is a cooperating entity of this New York City meeting, which features lively panels on international dispute resolution, including on “What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You: Ethics Considerations When Choosing a Seat of Arbitration,” “Proof of Foreign Law – A Comparison of the Approaches in U.S. Courts and in International Arbitration,” and “The Role of Mediation in Resolving U.S. Claims against Cuba.” More information about the conference and registration information can be found here.
Friday, April 1, 2016
International Arbitration Opportunities in New York City for LL.M. Graduates
4:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Place: NYIAC and ICDR Hearing Centers, 150 East 42nd Street (between Third & Lexington Avenues), 17th floor
This New York Branch program and reception is designed for international LL.M. students currently enrolled at New York law schools. Panelists include Ank Santens of White & Case (Columbia LL.M. alum), Brian King of Freshfields (NYU J.D. alum) and James Berger of King & Spalding (Fordham J.D. alum). This is a Q&A panel followed by a reception. Branch members are invited to attend the 5:30 p.m. reception. Registration information about this event will be provided shortly.
Thursday, March 17, 2016
4th Annual GAR Live Brazil
9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Hotel Unique, Sao Paolo, Brazil
The Branch is a supporting organization of this annual GAR conference, which is organized in association with CAM/CCBC. Chaired by Eduardo Damião Gonçalves of Mattos Filho, Veiga Filho, Marrey Jr. e Quiroga and Adriana Braghetta of L.O. Baptista, Schmidt, Valois, Miranda, Ferreira & Agel, the sessions include “How Different and What are the Challenges of Arbitrations Involving States and State Entities?,” “Private vs. Public Disputes – a View from Inside,” “Anti-Corruption Legislation and Investigation Impacts – Leading Cases Around the World,” and “Focus on So-Called Guerrilla Tactics and Their Use in International Arbitration.” More information about the conference and registration information can be found here.
PDF Download (Members Only)Friday, February 19, 2016
Columbia Arbitration Day 2016 – The System Reexamined: Challenging Assumptions in International Arbitration
9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Columbia Law School, New York, NY
Columbia Arbitration Day (CAD) 2016 will focus on cutting-edge issues in both commercial and investment arbitration. This year’s conference will consider new perspectives on issues that have long been accepted as canonical aspects of the system. Four panels will reevaluate preconceptions of international arbitration: the trends and prospects of class arbitration, the role of auxiliaries and associated conflicts of interest, challenges to the system’s legitimacy, and the enforcement of arbitral awards in situations of public international law violations. As a new feature, CAD 2016 will provide ethics credits in addition to CLE credits for an expected total of seven CLE credits. For further information and to register, please visit the CAD 2016 website here.
Friday, January 29, 2016
Resolving Disputes with Companies from Asia: What is the Best Approach?
9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
UC Hastings College of the Law, San Francisco, CA
This Asia-focused arbitration conference is organized by the North American Branch of CIArb and features an amazing group of speakers, including Sundra Rajoo from Malaysia, incoming Chartered Institute President and Director of the Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration and Teresa Cheng from Hong Kong, former Chartered Institute President and current Chair of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre. The conference brochure and registration information for this exciting practice-focused conference can be found here.
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Cross-Cultural Mediation: American and European Perspectives
6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Foley Hoag LLP, 1540 Broadway, 8th Floor, New York, NY
Organized by CPR and hosted by Foley Hoag, this seminar will be an opportunity to discuss mediation with experienced mediators and practitioners from the United States and Europe. CPR will also introduce its new European Mediation & ADR Guide, a practical tool to help in-house counsel understand the benefits of mediation and how to use it effectively to resolve commercial disputes. The conference brochure and registration information can be found here.
Joint New York Branch and UNCITRAL Conference on the UNCITRAL Guide to the New York Convention
Organizer: CIArb New York Branch and UNCITRAL
Date: October 21, 2015
Time: Full-day
Place: At the Association of the Bar of the City of New York at 42 West 44th Street in New York City, and at UNCITRAL’s offices in Vienna
Overview: This New York Branch Centenary event will address the UNCITRAL Guide to the New York Convention and feature speakers from both New York and Vienna.
The event will feature video-linked conference venues in New York City (at the Association of the Bar of the City of New York at 42 West 44th Street) and UNCITRAL’s offices in Vienna. A separate audience will be present at each venue. The event will be free, streamed onto the Internet for remote attendance, recorded and posted for subsequent free access through the New York Branch and UNCITRAL websites.
An optional ticketed, paid lunch at the Princeton Club in Midtown Manhattan will immediately follow the conference for those at the New York venue and will feature Mr. Gerald Aksen (International Arbitrator and former General Counsel of the AAA) as its keynote speaker.
The Center for International Commercial and Investment Arbitration (CICIA) at Columbia Law School is a major sponsor of this event.
Speakers: Speakers in New York currently include Professor Emmanuel Gaillard and Dr. Yas Banifatemi, both of Shearman and Sterling’s Paris office, and Prof. George Bermann of Columbia Law School. The Vienna speakers currently include Mr. Santiago Villalpando, Head of the U.N. Treaty Section, as well as Mr. Renaud Sorieul and Ms. Corinne Montineri, both of UNCITRAL. More speakers are currently being added to the program.
Contact us for more information.
4th Annual GAR Live New York
When: September 24, 2015,
Time: Full-Day
Where: 7 World Trade Center, New York City
This one-day event, co-chaired by Mark Friedman, Debevoise & Plimpton & John Fellas, Hughes Hubbard & Reed, will bring together an elite line-up of institutional and private practice speakers to discuss a variety of topics at the forefront of Arbitration. For speaker list and program updates, here: CIArb members are entitled to a discounted registration rate.
For more information, please contact Jason Danes at [email protected]
Use of Technology in Dispute Resolution
Organizer: The CIArb’s New York and South East England Branches
Date: September 18, 2015
Time: 8:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Place: In England, at Cantebury Cathedral Lodge, and in New York, at Alston & Bird LLP, 90 Park Avenue, New York City
Overview: This conference will feature a panel discussion followed by a live remote examination, by videoconference, of an international arbitration witness. Counsel will be in Canterbury, England; the witness will be in New York.
Space is limited, so RSVP today to: [email protected]
Speakers: Charles Brown, CIArb President, Gerard Garcia, Chair of CIArb South East Branch, Sir Vivian Ramsey, former High Court Judge, International Judge in the Singapore International Commercial Court, Paul Darling, QC, Head of Keating Chambers, Andrew Parsons, CIArb Southern Branch Chairman, Tom Halket, Partner Halket Weitz LLP and CIArb New York Branch Vice-Chair
Session 1: 8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Perspectives on the present and future use of technology in dispute resolution.
COFFEE & TEA: 10:30 A.M. – 10:45 A.M.
Session 2: 10:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
The session will include a remote arbitration witness examination, conducted by video-link, with our colleagues in the South East Branch in Canterbury, England.
Tom Halket, New York Branch Vice Chair, will be participating from Canterbury.
The State Bar of New York has approved this program for 4.5 CLE accreditation hours.
When: Week of May 11, 2015
Where: New York International Arbitration Center (NYIAC), 150 East 42nd Street, New York City
CIArb New York Branch Joint Columbia University Law School Course on International Arbitration.
A systematic and comprehensive examination of the law and practice in international arbitration. The course, compressed into a week’s time with both lecture and interactive segments, is designed for arbitrators, advocates, in-house counsel and others interested in international arbitration. The course is jointly provided by Columbia University School of Law, through its Center for International Commercial and Investment Arbitration (CICIA), and the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb), through its New York Branch.
Date: Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Times & Locations:
12:00 Noon Eastern
New York
30 Rockefeller Plaza
12:00 Noon Eastern
Washington D.C.
2550 M Street, NW
5:00 p.m. GMT
7 Devonshire Square
6:00 p.m. GMT+1
4 Avenue Velasquez
6:00 p.m. GMT+1
Taunusanlage 17
Topic: A 90-Minute Introduction for Contract Drafters, Litigation Counsel, IDR Advocates and Arbitrators. UNIDROIT Principles Working Group participants speaking from five video-linked locations will address practical topics and answer questions from all locations. A light lunch will be served in New York and Washington D.C.; refreshments will be served in London, Paris & Frankfurt. There is no charge for members of sponsoring organizations.
Listen To The Record Event Now2014
The WIPO Mediation and Arbitration Workshops
When: Thursday and Friday, November 6 and 7, 2014
Designed for potential parties in mediation and arbitration, the Workshops will take participants through the main stages of the WIPO mediation and arbitration procedures, including case management techniques. Participants may register for one or both Workshops.
When: Wednesday, November 5, 2014, 8:00 AM to 2:30 PM
Where: Harvard Club, New York City
Join U.S. and Brazilian business leaders, government officials and sector specialists at the 2014 Brazil Infrastructure Investments Forum. We will continue to deepen the debate of strategic areas in the infrastructure sector and opportunities for investment in Brazil.
When: October 29, 2014, from Noon to 2 p.m. EDT
Where: Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP
800 Third Avenue (between 49th and 50th Streets), 13th floor
New York, New York 10022
Topic: Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in Australia, Hong Kong, Indonesia and Singapore
3rd Annual GAR Live New York
When: Friday, 19 September 2014
Where: University Club, New York City
Chaired by: David W. Rivkin, Debevoise & Plimpton and Pierre Bienvenu, Norton Rose Fulbright
Judicial Review of Jurisdictional Challenges in Investment Arbitration
When: February 28, 2014, from Noon to 2:30 p.m.
What Should Judges Do? A distinguished international panel share views of the judicial role in reviewing awards of investor-state arbitration panels, with reflections on Canada’s experience in the Cargill v. Mexico NAFTA case as we await the US Supreme Court decision in the BG Group v. Argentina case.
FIAA – Foundation for International Arbitration Advocacy
When: January 16-18, 2014
Where: New York International Arbitration Center and International Centre for Dispute Resolution, New York City
A unique opportunity for international arbitration practitioners to improve their advocacy skills in a learning-by-doing workshop.
Arbitral 999/911
When: December 5, 2013
Emergency relief for problems that will not wait.